@TechReport{KRS97, author = "Sacha Krstulovi{\'c}", title = "Investigation of a possible process identity between {DRM} and Linear Filtering", institution = "IDIAP", year = 1997, type = "IDIAP-RR", number = 19, abstract = "The classical analogy between linear filtering and acoustical filtering by tubes is applied in the non-classical case where the tubes are made of unequal-length sections (such as the DRM case). It is shown that the filtering process identity is substantially more complicated than in the case of equal-length sections. In particular, it prevents the use of the Levinson algorithm for inverting the filtering process and recovering the tube characteristics from sound alone.", IPDmembership= "speech", IPDpostScript= "ftp://ftp.idiap.ch/pub/reports/1997/rr97-19.ps.gz", IPDpdf ="ftp://ftp.idiap.ch/pub/reports/1997/rr97-19.pdf" }